Open Garden & Plant Sale On Sunday 12th June

Dicentra & mossy log

I’ve taken the plunge this year and decided to open my garden to raise money for charity. All gardeners love a nose around other people’s gardens, don’t we?

It’s on Sunday 12th June, 11am to 4.30pm, at 20 Le Strange Close (just off Christchurch Road), Norwich NR2 3PW. I’ve got my fingers crossed that the weather will be fine. We’ll be selling teas/coffees, soft drinks and cakes, and there will also be a plant sale. All proceeds will go to the British Red Cross. Entry £2, children free. If you can RSVP it would be really helpful, as then I’ll know how many people to expect, but it’s not essential.

I’ve um’ed and ah’ed about opening my garden. It’s not a declaration that the garden is perfect and that everyone should see it, far from it. And it’s not a particularly remarkable garden in terms of it’s setting in the landscape or the architecture of the house or whatever. It’s a suburban garden with fruit and veg beds, a few DIY garden design ideas, wildlife-friendly features, areas for kids, and borders full of lovely plants, which I can talk about til the cows come home, if anyone will let me. Plus there will be cake! So I’ve decided not to sweat it. It’s my garden and I love it, and I want to raise some money for a good cause.

I’m hoping visitors will be kind, as the garden is still (and probably always will be) a work in progress, with quite a few recently planted borders. With luck, the roses will be in flower, but who knows what will happen on the day. I’ll be pleased if my visitors come away with a few new ideas (and buy some plants) for their own gardens. So if you’re local-ish or within reach of Norwich, I hope that you’ll drop by at some point in the day. And if you need any more convincing, I’ll just mention again that there will also be tea, coffee and cake… and possibly popcorn… and balloon models… and froglets (maybe) in the mini pond (not for sale, obviously).

I’m off to prepare some more pots of plants for the sale now. So far, I’ve collected the following: agapanthus, sisyrinchium, fatsia japonica, day lilies, stocks, hardy geraniums, acanthus, pulmonaria, pheasant’s tail grass, and I’m working on many more. If you have any plants you could donate, please get in touch.

If you want to ask me anything about the open day, or to let me know that you might come, email me at [email protected], call me on 07816 308781, or comment below. x


Geum Mrs Bradshaw Clematis Marsh marigold Spiraea The Bride & honesty

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